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I was suffering from a burning tongue, and reflux and very bad digestion which included gas pain and constipation. I prayed for a solution and was led to Dr Izumi through an ad in a magazine called Natural Awakenings. Ad was all about digestion issue e.g. acid reflux, chronic constipation, leaky gut etc. I also had frequent pain in my neck, shoulders and lower back –even after years of traditional chiropractic treatment.
Drs. Michiko and Hiro Izumi provided Enzyme Nutrition Therapy and Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Part of the cure for my digestive issue was a urine analysis which concluded that mucosal lining was damaged. I was taken with their knowledge that us can be eating all the right foods and still not be digesting properly and thus not benefiting from the nutritional content of these foods. Within months of taking enzymes, cleaning up my diet and upper cervical chiropractic, the burning tongue, digestive pain and constipation, the pain in my neck, shoulders and lower back gradually lessened and eventually stopped. I also noticed that my body generally smells better, especially regarding foot odor, which no longer exists.
We can take the removal of pain in our life for granted, but I want to express my respect, love and gratitude to Drs. Hiro and Michiko Izumi for their life changing effects on me.
Within the last year or so I have been experiencing severe anxiety and fear. Dr Hiro Izumi took a steady, deep interest even in my emotional well being, which serves to accent the holistic approach – the relation of mind and body, so neglected in “Western Medicine” in general. I am now taking herbs and Dr Hio Izumi has been doing NAET treatments – an approach design to balance my inner response to emotions like fear, anxiety, love etc. in relation to my response to events from the outside world.
Most recently I have been visibly and internally stronger, calmer and less afraid and anxious. Now when life presents its challenges and surprises, my response is more one that I am proud of. Dr. Hiro Izumi has been a friend as well as my doctor. I thank God for guiding me to Izumi Wellness. I pray that many many people will benefit from their knowledge, expertise and genuine compassion.

Nicholas Corvino

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